domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020



Como la cuarentena continua, necesitamos encontrar otro modo de comunicarnos...

Vamos a seguir trabajando con EDMODO,  pero además vamos a hacer videoconferencias          con la aplicación zoom.

Les dejamos las instrucciones para descargar la APP  y los pasos a seguir para ingresar en la conversación.


PASO 1: ir al link

PASO 2: seguir las instrucciones de instalación del tutorial

Unirse a la reunión Zoom   

ID de reunión:   ‌756 6258 5286
                      contraseña 5286 ‌

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Novedades importantes ¡¡¡LEER!!!

¡Hola chic@s! 
L@s profes de 6° y 7° queremos saber cómo están, si pudieron conectarse y
cómo les está yendo con las actividades.
Les contamos que las clases presenciales continuarán suspendidas hasta nuevo aviso.
Para que puedan participar de las actividades que son en vivo y en directo
necesitamos que se comuniquen entre ustedes y que se agreguen a las aulas de EDMODO.
Aquí les dejamos los códigos de acceso:

6to A, B y C: tskxax
7mo A, B y C: y8uwr7

Les pedimos que transmitan este comunicado a todos sus contactos de la escuela
de los 6tos y 7mos grados. 
Mañana publicaremos otro mensaje con más información.

  ¡¡Cariños y a cuidarse mucho!!

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Educación física

INGLÉS 24th March

24 March

Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice

The Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice (Día de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia) is a public holiday in Argentina, commemorating the victims of the Dirty War. It is held on 24 March, the anniversary of the coup d' état of 1976 that brought the National Reorganization Process to power. 

Flag with images of those who disappeared during a demonstration in Buenos Aires to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 1976 coup in Argentina.

The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo is a movement of Argentine mothers whose children were "disappeared" during the military dictatorship between 1976 and 1983.  They organized themselves because they wanted to learn what happened to their children.  They began to march in 1977 at the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, in front of the Casa Rosada presidential palace, in defiance of the government's state terrorism intended to silence all opposition.  


24 de marzo, Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la ...

Amor, dolor y persistencia, legado de Madres y Abuelas de Plaza de ...

"Mothers of the Disappeared" is a song by Irish rock band U2.  It is the final track on their 1987 album The Joshua Tree. The song was inspired by lead singer Bono's experiences in Nicaragua and El Salvador in July 1986, following U2's participation in the Conspiracy of Hope tour of benefit concerts for Amnesty International. He learned of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, a group of women whose children had "forcibly disappeared" at the hands of the Argentine and Chilean dictatorships.]While in Central America, he met members of Comadres, a similar organization whose children had been abducted by the government in El Salvador.  Bono sympathized with the Madres and Comadres and wanted to pay tribute to their cause.

Watch the video.  In this video, Bono, the singer, sings, a capella, the song "Mothers of the Disappeared" in Buenos Aires, in February, 1998, as a tribute to the Madres of Plaza de Mayo.

 Here you have two more videos of this song with U2' s performances in Buenos Aires.

Listen to the song again and complete the lyrics with the following words

black     daughters    prisoner    

sons           trees        blue         

 wind           cry            rain  

Midnight , our  1 ________  and  2 ________
 Cut down, taken from us
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

In the  3 ________  we hear their laughter
 In the  4 ________ we see their tears
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

Night  hangs like a   5 _________
Stretched over   6 _______ and  7 _______
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

In the 8 _______ our sons stand naked
Through the walls our daughters  9 _______
See their tears in the rainfall